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SASHA Housing

Our 4 homes are located in lovely, quiet neighbourhoods near the heart of Lethbridge. We provide a family atmosphere with common spaces for meals and entertainment, weekly house meetings, and shared household chores. Most clients share rooms. Clients have access to supports 24 hours a day.

SASHA homes are recovery focused. We provide:

  • Permanent Supportive Housing

  • Transitional / Stabilization Housing

  • In House Respite 

  • Assertive Intensive Case Management

  • Independent Living Skills Support 

  • Community Treatment Order follow up

SASHA Residential Program

16 transitional and 8 long-term residential beds are available for individuals to develop and/or maintain independent living skills such as medication management, symptom management, nutrition and meal preparation, household maintenance, and money management skills.


A team of multidisciplinary staff work with the client to assess needs, develop an Individual Service Plan for their stay at SASHA, and provide the guidance and direction needed to help clients recover and re-establish themselves in the community. Staff support is available 24 hours a day. Lengths of stay in the transitional program vary from a few months up to a year. Long-term clients stay as long as the program is able to meet their needs. Funding is provided through client service fees, AHS Addictions & Mental Health, and various community grants.

A Continuum of Supports

SASHA realizes that each individual progresses towards their goals at their own pace. Sometimes people need to go backwards and forwards in order to get to where they ultimately want to be. 


No one loses their space at SASHA. As an individual’s circumstances change, SASHA adjusts support plans and housing with them, allowing the client to know that no matter what happens, they have a safe place with SASHA. 


This means that clients may move amongst 3 different SASHA homes based on their needs. It also means that previous clients living independently in the community may come back to SASHA homes for a period, or permanently, based on their needs. 


SASHA programming is always individualized to the client. As the client evolves, our supports, skills development, activities and connections do too.


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The Southern Alberta Self-Help Association

Transformative Mental Health Support

Admin Phone: 403-942-2263

Staff Phone: 403-942-2264

Registered Charity: 119254944RR0001

Fax: 403-942-2266

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