Community Connections
We strongly believe in the value of collaboration amongst different community service providers. We know that SASHA clients have the best opportunity to achieve their goals when they have access to a broad range of supports and are knowledgeable about accessing these.
Our approach has always been to work in partnership with our community organizations to facilitate service integration, rather than duplicate. The success of this model is evidenced by positive client outcomes.
Some of the community organizations we work closely with are:
In Healthcare:

AHS Mental Health and Addictions Clinic
Addictions Counsellor and/or Mental Health Therapist, MDA, Outreach, crisis support, access to Psychiatrist, injection nurse and referrals to other community services. Clinical Support with difficult situations through specially trained staff to support clients, staff and the overall program
AHS Community Treatment Orders (CTO) Team
Support for client on CTO from CTO Case manager, Outreach support, medical/mental health/ medication support. Support for staff to ensure continuity of care and no duplication of services.
AHS Community Supports Program​
In house support for clients and/or staff from trained staff from a variety of different profession designations (Social Work, LPN, Psychiatrist nursing, and Addictions Counselling). Support connecting with appropriate community resources on both a short-term and long-term basis as identified by the client and/or treatment team.
Court ordered support with Mental Health interventions, connection to community resources and support with the justice system
In home supports for clients that have been assessed as needing on going medical supports and interventions. Support with assessment, placements, treatment planning, liaising with other medical professionals. Support for staff with appropriate medical interventions and education
Specialized support for clients with chronic/ co-morbid, acute and complex conditions. Support with education and management of medications, delivering to clients and consulting with client, staff, and treatment team, as needed. On call and after hours support for staff and clients with questions, prescription, support and consult.
Working with client’s primary care physician as an integral part of the treatment team, ensuring continuity of care, support with medications, testing, diagnosis, education, referral(s) for specialized support/interventions.

Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADS)​
Providing medical supplies to low income clients that would otherwise be unable to afford or consistently afford the supplies they need to have a meaningful quality of life (walker, cane, mobility needs, specialized bed, safety grab bars, and various supplies for non-curable conditions

Schizophrenia Society of Alberta​
MDA, connection with resources for client and family, peer support
In the Justice System:

PACT Police and Crisis Team​
Community policing and mental health support for clients with mental health and addiction issues that frequently require first responder interventions and staff.
Specialized support for clients that have been found “not criminally responsible” for a crime they committed. Psychiatrist, nursing, social work, Case manager, psychologist. To ensure community safety and client compliance.

Community Engagement, staff and client safety, consulting support for program policies and recommendations

Support with legal matters for clients and guidance for staff to increase positive outcomes for clients.
In Family Services:

Support for clients and staff through education, groups, peer support and immigrant services.

Support for clients coming out of care and for clients who have children in care. Continuity of care for the client and/or children and ensuring appropriate supports are in place for optimum client success
In Education:

Support for clients coming out of care and for clients who have children in care. Continuity of care for the client and/or children and ensuring appropriate supports are in place for optimum client success

Support program, staff & clients with students who are trained in best practices within the addiction/mental health/ medical field/ social work/ justice and Child and youth care.

Support program, staff & clients with students who are trained in best practices within the addiction/mental health/ nursing, public health, aboriginal studies, neuroscience, psychology, kinesiology, social work and business management.
In Spirituality:

Community Elders and Other Spiritual Leaders​
Support for clients, staff the program and ensuring cultural/spiritual competencies and connection to others.

Sik-Ooh-Kotoki Friendship Centre​
Support for clients and staff through indigenous teachings, culture, elders, activities and community support
In Wellbeing:

Meaningful Daily Activity (MDA), support with specialized recreation therapy, access to psychiatrist and/or mental health therapist, access to community groups and engagement
Specialized support for clients and staff around food, lifestyle, managing chronic illness, support with diabetes, education, avocation, group support

McMan Youth Services​, Family and Community Services Association
Community support for clients and staff with groups, educations, community resources, training and case consultation.

United Way, Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta​
Funding supports for identified programs and needs
In Employment:

Short-term financial support for clients while they work to better themselves and their circumstances. Support with education, employment and transportation.

Support with education and employment for clients that are diagnosed with mental health or physical health concerns.
In Addictions:

Mobile Overdose Prevention Service (OPS) unit​
This service offers referrals to detoxification services, treatment programs, housing and other social supports, in addition to managing overdoses and reducing related harms.
In Housing:

Lethbridge Housing Authority​
Support with safe, subsidized housing, monetary subsidies for clients, discharge support for clients and staff and specialized support for staff and clients with a focus on hording, infection control, access to appropriate community housing and housing resources. Support with program expansion.
Integrated Coordinated Access (ICA) is a system or network that helps people get to the services that they need in the quickest way possible. This is done through system navigation and ICA referral pathways.
In Other Fields:

Support for clients and staff navigating supports available for low-income, at risk individuals and families to ensure equal opportunities to employment, schooling and child care as other.
Financial support for clients, ensuring housing stability. Support for clients and staff with meeting the medical, physical, emotional and alternative supports that the client requires
Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee​
Supporting clients who are unable to support themselves with a multitude of decision making to ensure client safety and quality of life.
Persons with Developmental Disabilities​
Supporting clients through assessment, funding, support, MDA and housing as identified. Support for staff with client intervention(s) and education around developmental diagnosis and disabilities.